Surprise Bump, Raver Paradise and the Naughty Steam Room

I wish I remembered WAY more detail about last night’s dream, especially how I got from one scene to the next. It was fun, crazy and vibrant!

Dreams 03.28.13

I was in a food court seating area at an airport or bus terminal.  The area was decorated in a modern, clean look. The moulded benches and tables were white (slightly work so some were a bit grey). I was with my mother and I was carrying the tray of food. We were approaching an empty table and I waited as she tried to squeeze into the moulded bench seat. The food court was not particular busy but had enough patrons that we actually had to walk around to find a clean and quiet spot where we could talk. As soon as my mom sat down, I looked to the right and saw my cousin (the middle child of my middle uncle’s family from my dad’s side) and aunt in the next row of seats. This is the cousin who broke off an engagement because she knew that they were only getting married because of time investment and that it just wasn’t right. (Kudos to her! She’s so fucking smart!) They saw me the moment I noticed them and we greeted each other with warmth. I put our tray down and rush over for a hug. First I hugged my aunt, then she stepped to the side so I could hug my cousin. That’s when noticed her baby bump. She must’ve been at least 7 months along and I was so happy for her! I hugged her even harder. She was wearing a light blue shirt with some silly Hong Kong design that made no sense on it but I just went a little baby crazy for 5 minutes and hugged her belly. I think everyone was shocked at how happy and weird I was about this but as I did this, my mom, aunt and cousin just made small talk over my head.

Then I walked into the washroom of the food court. Inside everything was still white. After I was done my business, I reached for the door to go back outside. Just before the door I see a jewelry display bust, with a head, covered in a dark colored velour. On the head was a half finished headdress of peacock feathers and plastic film in the shapes and colors of a school of clownfish. So the effect when i person wears this would be like a school of clownfish swimming through, circling peacock feather, wavey corals. I thought it was beautiful and funny at the same time.

When I exited rt he washroom, I found myself outside, at a big big concert. It’s basically what I imagine electric Daisy Carnival to be link. Except there wasn’t just one big stage. It was a large field with smaller multi tiered “altars” with dancers, shiney things, lights and speakers. The music seemed to pumping out from everywhere and in the air was smoke and lasers. Where it all came from could not be determined. I was only about 5 feet away from one such altar, looking up at the dancers. A lot of them had glow sticks, light saber sized, some had glowing bands attached. The a group of them started to stage dive off the altar, running and flipping out onto the crowds. The effect of the night sky, billowing smoke, lasers, all in combo many I could barely see the bodies attached to the flipping, flying bars of light that was just flying of the stage. It was an amazing sight.

Then I noticed one dancer, dressed in a blinged out white leotard in the style of a 70s ambiguously gay rockstar, reaching for a little white palm sized disk with shiney bits off the floor. As soon as he held it in his hand, the side facing away from him glowed a pale greenish blue light which then beamed out a blinding light of the same quality. The instant it became a powerful beam, the music also seemed to be blasted to the crowd even louder (if that were possible). The disk was a powerful object. I could visually see the dancer struggling to hold his hand up to shine the ever blinding light over the crowed and direct the deafening music at the eagerly receiving crowd. He was “blessing” them with light and music. It was a powerful moment.

When the light was directed in my direction, I closed my eyes to drink in the light and sound. When I opened them, I was sitting on the barrier separating the crowd and the altars, facing towards the crowd. To the left of me was a timid version of Barney from HIMYM, and a little behind me to the right was the brotastic manwhore of regular Barney from HIMYM. I grabbed timid Barney and reached into the crowd behind me to grab manwhore Barney and took them both towards me. I locked eyes with timid Barney and told him with my eyes the naughty things I planned on doing with them both. He looked excited but scared.

Then I was in a white room. It was a large shower / wet room. It was completely fogged up. A shadow came into the room. I couldn’t tell who it was but the person called out my name. I knew that me and the Barneys were in a corner of this wet room somewhere doing unspeakable things to each other in the steam and this unknown person had just interrupted us. This shadow called out my name again. I could see him or her waving their hand around attempting to dissipate the thick steam, it didn’t work. Me and the Barney’s held our breath to stay quiet and I was frustrated to be interrupted.

Colorful Vacation and Shopping

Dream 05.04.12
I was on vacation, along with my husband, df, my mom and uncle (her boyfriend). The dynamic was strange because even though we all went together, I was still not supposed to talk to df. He and my husband were talking and interacting with each other as friends. It’d be okay to talk to my parents and it was okay for me to talk to my husband obviously but there was an obvious schism.

We were all piled into an american luxury sedan (not sure why because I don’t know the brand/model but I knew this is how I would describe this). It was a rental. My mom was driving and my uncle was in the passenger seat. I was in the left rear passenger seat, husband in the middle, df in the right. As we were driving along, the semi tropical landscape rolled by. Palm trees, houses and apartment buildings with colorful walls and roofs went by. It was a festive looking country and I didn’t talk, just enjoyed the scenery.

The car was slowing down and we were entering an open air market area. There were indigenous crafts, flowers and food for sale. The stalls were draped with colorful linen sashes, so light that the breeze just lifted them lightly and they bobbed in the wind. I think I could also see locals and vendors milling about getting things ready. It was still early in the morning so the market was still very empty but there was this distinct feeling of hope, anticipation, soon-to-be hecticness and calm before the storm kind of feeling in the market’s aura. All this I felt as our car passed by it.

Then just a little further down the road in an area with cute little 3 story condos, me, husband and df got out of the car. My parents were just dropping us off. We started walking away back towards the market but my mom called me back to the car to say something. Whatever she said wasn’t important but I just remember this next strange part. As I was walking away from the car towards where husband and df stood, as her car was driving off, my walk was not outrunning the shadow of her car. This is hard to explain but her car and I were going in opposite directions so how could I possibly NOT outrun/walk the car’s shadow? Eventually I did but from the distance between me the car and the guys, that was the weird thing that happened.

Next part that I can remember, the 3 of us and my parents went into an indoor mall. The tinted skylight windows cast a blue-ish green light all over the inside. The floor was tiled in a reddish clay colored tile in a circular and fanning arcs design. The 3 of us were just roaming about. Husband suggested we go into this vintage clothing store, but it was obvious that it was only because he thought it was the type of place I would like even though I had said nothing but sure I was interested enough to browse.

Right at the entrance a black girl blocked the doorway because she was looking at a rack very close to the door. We almost bumped right into her back so I was right up close. She was wearing a fitted cropped short sleeved hoodie. The fabric was made from a re-purposed kid’s spiderman sweatshirt. I actually thought it was really cool. Husband didn’t say anything but gave a subtle disapproving look.

We walked inside the store, I walked ahead. The aisles were narrow so you can’t actually walk side by side. Inside the store, I walked into another room with racks and clothing. I picked up a fuchsia colored tank top that had rusching, a braided fabric part and kinda drapy and considered trying it on. Then I felt something brush my arm, a nice, gentle and supportive gesture, always saying “yes try it on.” I turned around and it was df. My husband was further behind, looking around bored.

Then we exited the store through this room and we saw my mom and uncle walking along, browsing the stores. They weren’t walking together hand in hand but were enjoying themselves browsing.

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