Breathing in New Old Memories

Dreams 05.05.17
I walked up the stairs at our first house in Canada. My sister lives there now in my dream and I was there for a visit. I went upstairs just to take a trip down memory lane but was surprised to find my step dad’s son living in my sister’s old room. He seemed surprised to see me too and he seemed hesitant to say hello. There’s a history of drama with this guy and he’s always blamed my mother for splitting up his family but while we’ve always been sorta cool, he’s just a little “troubled” in his handling of that whole situation, which I suppose includes me.

I walked into his room and tried to make nice. I can’t remember what I said exactly. Recalling now, I feel like there were some general apologies and me being sympathetic at how he felt about everything, that things happen sometimes in ways we don’t want or expect but we are adults now and we should try to take it in stride and stay positive. I think it was real what I said but more for his benefit. I wasn’t sure if it affected him but he was at least warmer to me afterwards. He joined me in going back downstairs.

Downstairs I went to the kitchen, whoch no longer looked like my old house. There were people waiting for something. I thought I was going to see my old roommate for some reason and I might’ve seen him or something occurred in the dream that involved him but I cannot recall.

Anyways the group I. The kitchen we’re waiting for my mother, who came out from a closed door and herded us to another part of the house where there was an really with metal hand rails like the line up for rides at an amusement park. About 10 of us arranged ourselves the line-up. We took my mother’s cue and began to do some type of breathing exercises. I remember closing my eyes, really trying to breathe in the calm and listening intently, trying to “feel” around me as if the breathe empowered me and heightened my senses. I wasn’t sure if it did but I did it anyway. I could feel the collective breath around me. Inhale. Exhale.

Church Plane

Dreams 10.13.12
I was traveling on a plane with my family. Not sure where we were going exactly. I was sitting next to my mom. We were both looking at our respective tablets, her iPad and me with my Nexus 7. Our dinner trays were down and there were several sheets of papers and a pen lying on top.

Skip a bit of time and we were getting off the plane. We had come off the covered walkway and we were now waiting to go down a level to the main concourse, away from the gates. There was a huge backed up line to go down the escalator. So I turned right instead and just kept walking. My dad caught up beside me and asked where I was going. I continued to walk but turned to him on my right. Behind him I see a glass window which overlooked the level below, then across another glass window to the other side, a mirror image in design from where we were walking. I told my dad that there was nothing needed on that side of the store. Everything necessary can be found on this side and the wait should be shorter.

We reached a set of swinging doors into the back staircase area. All the walls here were beaming white. There was still a line up on the stairs but no where near as long or crowded as the escalators. People here also did single-file for the most part without completely blocking the way so I was able to walk down on their left to see if my mom was in line. I dodged and said sorry all the way down as I asked people politely to move or when I bumped into them. Then I was almost at the bottom, I could see the opened doors to the concourse area where the line came to an end. There was a small desk, behind it sat a customs official who was checking everyone’s papers one by one.

Suddenly I had a flash of an image of our documents being on the plane, stowed away with the tv tray with our notes and tablets. I ran back up the stairs knocking a few people over on the way, yelling apologies loudly.

I rushed back into the plane to our seats. When I kneeled down I suddenly realized all the seats were church pews. I was inside what appeared to be a church but I knew it was still a plane. It was contradictory but I ignored it. I kneeled in front of where we sat and started to organize and gather our documents, papers and tablets. Then a person who I can’t remember now but it was a male friend of my mom’s came up to me. He kneeled down beside me and said, “I forgot our stuff too.” Something to that effect. Then he just went away. I continued making a neat pile of our things as quickly as possible. In my head I was frantic, wondering where my mother had gone, how did she, how did we forget our documents? Something didn’t make sense. Was there a time lapse? Something just didn’t seem logical.

There may have been more before what I wrote and after this last bit but can’t recall now.

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